Achieving win-win outcomes for native biodiversity and pastoral farming

Friday 4 September at 6.00pm, at the Presbyterian Community Centre, 91 Tenby Street, Wanaka.
Prof David Norton, School of Forestry, University of Canterbury.
Cost – $5 per person.

In order to comply with the Alert Level 2 requirements for our upcoming talk, we need to restrict attendance to no more than 100 people. To avoid turning people away at the door, we are asking people to please RSVP in advance to secure a spot . Please do not RSVP until you are sure you can attend. We would also like to encourage all guests to arrive early in order to allow for the extra time required to safely check everybody in. And as always, please stay home if you aren’t feeling well. For those of you who are unable to attend in person, we are planning to live-streaming the talk. You can join the meeting here:

Te Mana O Te Taiao – Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy 2020 has as its vision that “the mauri of nature is vibrant and vigorous” and sees people as part of nature and nature as supporting life and human activities. The single biggest land use in New Zealand today is sheep and beef farming which comprises 40% of the land area and contains 25% of all remaining native vegetation. Most importantly, native vegetation on sheep and beef farms often occurs in those parts of New Zealand with the least remaining native biodiversity and the least amount of public conservation land. In this presentation I will initially outline the key components for managing native biodiversity in pastoral farming systems before I discuss in more detail how integrated or whole farm management planning can help sustain and enhance native biodiversity in farming landscapes.

David Norton is a professor at Te Kura Ngahere | School of Forestry at the University of Canterbury. He has taught and researched the ecology and conservation of New Zealand’s native biodiversity for over 35 years. In the last couple of decades, David’s research has focused on enhancing native biodiversity within farming systems through remnant management, restoration and management planning, including publication of a 2013 book ‘Nature and Farming’ with an Australian colleague. David works closely with sector groups such as Beef+Lamb NZ and has written the biodiversity section for the new Farm Plan template that will replace the current land environment plans later in 2020.

Royal Society Wanaka