Smoke, mirrors and aerosol: Bioengineering Healthier Lungs

Friday 25 February at 6.00pm 2022, at the Presbyterian Community Centre, 91 Tenby Street, Wanaka.
Dr Kelly Suzanne Burrowes, Auckland Bioengineering Institute, University of Auckland.

The lungs are continuously exposed to the environment via the air (and other things) we breathe, making them susceptible to damage. As a result, respiratory diseases present a huge burden on society and their prevalence continues to rise. We are developing new methods to measure and understand lung function using computational modelling and development of new imaging methods. This talk will focus on a few different projects aimed at addressing the harm caused by cigarette smoking and COVID-19. These projects include the development of a digital platform to improve treatment of lung cancer, assessing the safety of electronic cigarettes or vaping, and creating a new device to measure airflow in mechanically ventilated patients.

Dr Kelly Burrowes is a Senior Researcher in Auckland University’s Bioengineering Institute. Her work focuses on developing new methods for measuring, predicting and understanding lung function, including computational modelling and the use of various imaging tools. She then brings these measurements together to understand the lungs and changes that occur due to disease, treatments, and exposure to e-cigarettes. After completing her PhD at the Auckland Bioengineering Institute, Kelly spent ten years at the University of Oxford with the Computational Biology Group before returning to the University of Auckland in 2016.